Tuesday, June 26, 2012

From Russia With Love :-P

I'm missing him!!!!

Noted that I'm in the class. Please blame the instructor, he speak with himself. His voice is slow but nobody dare to complain including myself but I tried my hardest to follow up. The topic is relatively easy, maybe because we are still in the introduction area, nothing technical yet.. Just something that I can read through (which is what I'm doing now).

Back to the guy in the picture. His name is Joo Won. :-D (fangirl squezze mode :-P) Actually, back in Malaysia I was in the middle of watching "Gaksital" (Bridal Mask) but unfortunately here the internet is not very good. Just enough for some update and chatting, video streaming is a no-no. Fortunately, I'm alreqdy download lots and lots of drama to fill in my k-drama dose here hehe. However, so far I couldn't find time to do that yet. Ok, not true.. I did watched 1 episode of "Ojokgyo Brother" (because of Joo Won).

My routine so far,
7-8: breakfast
8-6: classes
6-?: walking around - tourist thingy
?-12: free time
12-7: sleep

Time for some story - semalam we all bertembung dgn sekumpulan submarine navy? Or student of submarine navy?? They suddenly stopped us and started a ayam n itik conversation. I was just laughing at the side because these guys were drunk. We didn't know how to stop the conversation and they were getting more persistant. As this went on, I started to feel uncomfortable esp when one of them getting touchy n weirdy. Since I have 3 guys protecting me, no worry. However, we didn't know how to end this endless ayam itik conversation. Fortunately, their friends came and "forcing" his friend to stop. Thank god.. End of a not so funny story but made us laugh everytime we talk about it...

We also went to the biggest shopping complex here, and the first shop we enter is the weapon shop.. Hehe.. Jual senjata on display jer...

Ok la... Pat my own back sebab rajin tulis blog... :-D

p/s: start writing in morning class, then cont at hotel on evening... saje nak bgtau...

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