Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Update and Summer Destination 4: Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

Hi friends....

I'm in Malaysia.. Yahooooo!!!! Hehehe... To be precise, at my house in Kajang.

So far, I just eat Satay Kajang, my mum cooking and some stalls foods.. I feel good.. It is nice... I sleep a lot and rest.. Because of jet lagged ok...

On the first day, I renewed my driving license and bought a new furniture to my house - kitchen table, the pics will come soon.. hehehe.. coz this internet (thanks to abby for the internet) is quite slow.. and somehow I can't use my laptop but the connection work well with my old laptop.. So, I will not post any pictures until I'm back at my parents house- Perak.

And guys.. I'm no longer using my old hp number. Got a new one. Still Celcom but prepaid. E-mail me for the number ok and if it took too long and you want my number immediately (mana la tau dah rindu bebenor.. kakaka) call catz, mimi, kay or abby.. They have it! ;-) - oh, when think about it... maybe that is all the person that need my number.. kakaka.. And I'll call Shelly and some other soon.. So.. basically.. almost everyone already have my number.. hmm... anyway, email me if you want my new number.. my friend...

Since now is school holiday.. My parents decide that this is the best time for us to visit Kuala Terengganu.. The place that I once said that I would love to visit.. It kind of too soon but I think it is ok.. But since I just arrived, I have no time to plan it and now, every hotel that I called said they are full or fully booked.. I don't realize that K.T is so famous.. :p So, what we gonna do is just walk in to the hotel.. I know, there are a lot of other hotel that are not listed on the web and still available... We have a car.. So, no problem I think...

Last note to my friends at office :D. I will not stop by at the office this week.. Well, actually today I will go to the office but just for a short while.. (psssttt... I need to use printer.. Got around 100 pages to print. huh... $%#@%master research project@##%^&) But.. I will come back here (Kajang) to spent some time here this Mid-June.. Well, actually i'm gonna pick-up my sister at airport but I'll be here around 4 days early so we can...

1. Hang out..
2. Shopping
3. Watching Movies
4. Eating out
5. Whatever anyone wish.. I'm on holiday! Yay!!! Hahaha..

and I will also stay at catz for a few days.. Catz, I'm so missing your cooking.. kekeke.. And tomorrow.. I will visit... Kuala Terengganu... Cuti-cuti Malaysia... ;-)

c ya!


suzie said...

Blk Mesia?ish..ish..sabo je la tgk org USA ni...tu yg best buat coursework ada cuti sem...aku full research tak de cuti sem...so 2 thn la aku tak blk Mesia...hehe..
enjoy ur vacation time!

Mimi said...

Enjoy ur holiday! So finally ko duduk hotel mana? Haha, sorryla wrong timing aku n k kay dedua cuti.

Bila ko lepak rumah catz? Best best, nak join makan lunch kat umah catz.. Wakakakaaa...

purp said...

weiii... brp lama ko bercuti kt t'ganu tu? best kn dpt bercuti dgn famili. nanti aku ingat nk buat gak lah... tp lama tu drive.
p/s: aku baru tau adam lambert tu gay. yuck. oleh itu wlupun aku x penah tgk AI, aku rasa aku prefer kris lah.

Saira said...

Yes Suzie.. hehehe.. actually, aku ada research jugak tapi aku nak balik jugak.. so advisor aku kasi homework yg sampai skrg aku tak mula2 lagi...

Mimi.. see update.. hehehe.. aku mula2 plan nak duk 2 hari je umah kak roha time dia ada.. tetiba teringat yg aku takde kad astro.. so, mungkin aku akan merempat sepanjang time umah kak roha.. kekeke..

Purp.. Ha ah, best bercuti ngan family ni.. mmg lama aa drive.. abah aku kata next time kalau nak gi ghanu nak naik kapal terbang.. tapi mungkin this is the one and only.. I don't fell like going there again.. (so does my family) it s a nice place but.. one time only.. And yes Purp. Adam is gay.. I knew it since begining and I don't care.. His voice still great. Ko ni.. terima je la dia seadanya.. kekeke