Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy belated and becoming BDAY! ^^

Yesterday I invited Purp, Orren, Abby and catz for dinner at Flaming Steamboat, Sunway.

p/s:  Kalau menurut spanish people (As Yuritza told me) when we said "invite" it means belanja or open table for them.. maybe it's a direct translation from Spanish to English, I'm not sure.. anyway it sound cute and the first time Yuri said to Gigi and me. We were clueless.. /o\ 

Anyway, that's not the point. I owed all of them a birthday dinner.. So, this what we called 4 in 1 package.. hehe..

 The gurls... purp, orren, abby and catz

Orren and me! She is my elder sister.. but we don't look alike right? I think I'm cuter.. HAHAHA!

Purp and Orren were Miss January... Catz lak Miss February.. Dah kira tertinggal kapal terbang la.. hehe.. Tapi never expired okay... better late than never kan..  and Abby is Miss April. For Abby lak kita guna express rakyat.. hehe...

Apapun, very nice food last night with very great companies. I chose this place because of a constant promotion from my brother yang duduk kat Shah Alam tu..  Dok promo cam ade share je ngan restaurant ni.. Tak abis2 dok kata sedap la, marvelous la, amazing la and etc etc... So, let us go there and evaluate ourselves. ^^ Cuma satu je kurang.. Panas! Sebabnya the best time to eat hot pot is when winter time and Malaysia ni mana ada winter.. huhuhu... Panas2 pun memang kenyang gila la semalam... Terus aku memasang niat utk diet bersungguh2 pas ni... Rasa cam dah berat... NOOOOO!!!

Miss December roger and out! ;-)


PurPlè said...

tqvm for the invitation! mmg kenyang giler. alhamdulillah.

MIBU BULAN. said...

Mak kata Ana dan Mas semakin berisi...selera makan kot....ha..ha..ha....