Tuesday, November 01, 2011

monolog #3

~~~ The unpublished entry ~~~ Last week's entry ^^

I'm still trying my best to listen to this seminar which always lead my mind to wonder around... :PPP

arghh... what's the use of me being in this seminar when they actually just read the handout that was given to us... Maybe it is my incapability to listen is the problem here... What is it that I gain here beside the wonderful knowledge of a wonderful instrumentation system??? No kidding! Now I know how to write Korean! Wow at my capability of doing multitasking :PPP - Am I impress with myself? Or am I overly impress with myself??? I believe, I am humble in my own way. :P ~~ I'm so impress with myself!!

I learned how to write and how to read, like I know how to write and read Arabic.. but still failed to understand the language.. But this is a good step la.. in mho (my humble opinion)... ;-)

 my small note - I did this to memorize the alphabet 

Hahaha.. I like! :-P I can write my own name and learned a few Korean words.. But I still can't understand Korean.. hahaha.. Let see... Love = sarang = 사랑 Yuritza = 유릳사 YoonChee = 윤치 Saira = 사이라 Purp = 풆 Catz = ?? (sorry I don't think I can write catz) hahaha...

Anyway.. that's it!



catz said...

apesal kau tak reti eja nama kucing comel ni???

Saira said...

because I don't thing it's possible.. if you insist.. here it is : 찯ᄉ but still quiet wrong I guess but close..