Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Urghhh.. memory loss...

Seriously... seriously.. seriously.. I'm in trouble.. huhuhu..

I want to confess... I really do have a memory loss syndrome when something 'big' happen in my life...

For example.. When I was in high school.. I forgot my life in primary school. When I was enrolled for my bachelor.. I forgot most of my memories from high school except my 'gang', my crush, my very good or very bad memory.. everything else was forgotten.. I can't even recall the name of my classmate or the event that didn't gave much impact in my life... The same goes when I started working.. I forgot most of my university life, the events in between.. and again.. I don't forget my best friends, my crush and some few things.. But I forgot almost everything... One day, I chatted with my x-university friend and she talked something about our event together.. Apparently we spent a weekend together for sport event and we travel to main campus together.. but.. I have zero (I’m telling you.. ZERO) memory of it.. I have no idea we actually camp together and close? at that time.. Anyway, she was offended by it.. She told me, how could I forgot.. and the truth is.. I even forgot her but I’m too ashamed to admit it (you know we just add friends in fb when we have so many friends in common that we knew that this friends is actually our classmate..) Well now when I’m thinking about it.. I had some memory about the event but still.. errr not much.. That was how bad it was…

Now.. one more major event happen in my life.. I further my study in USA.. from 2008 - 2010.. One of my dream comes true event.. My life totally affected by this experience.. And now I’m back to work… The problem this time is.. I’m coming back to my old life.. I’m back to my old position.. my old workplace.. and I’m attached to the same department but now I should be a better worker with higher education and more mature in planning and a better decision maker (well.. I am :P - perasan abis) BUT I forgot almost everything that happen before 2008.. Huhuhu.. I’m seriously in trouble…

I forgot.. arghh.. I really forget a lot of things… another example: I was a secretariat for one of the event recently.. and they asked me to be the MC, then I said  I never be an MC before, so please choose someone else with experience..but one of the senior told me, he clearly remember that I was one in 2007 and I’m good at it.. (maybe he said I'm good at it just to make me agree :-P) and Iwas like.. “no no.. seriously? Really? you must be kidding me.. ” I really have no memory “ When?” it was in 2007.. huhu.. memory lost happen again… It was true.. I remember a little now. I did become an MC at that time but I can't verify if I was good or not.. hehehe.. we end up assigned someone else to be an MC ;-)

And last week my former boss told me that they need me to re-open my old project as they want to use it.. and he asked me a lot about it.. huhuhu.. I’m dying.. I was like.. “hmm I did it 3 years ago.. worst - it happen before 2008 and I have a memory loss syndrome.. H.E.L.P..” (this was only being said in my heart while giving my boss the most confident smile I had :P) Fortunately, my colleagues were also involved in the project and I keep looking at them (for help).. Now I need to remember and revise the project.. I even lost the box that had the development kit and the paperwork and I have no idea where I placed it.. I search all over my office.. my lab.. No where! The fact that we just move to the new building didn’t help me at all.. everything is everywhere.. somewhere and I have no memory to recall.. I also think I need a retraining for the development tool as well.. It was complicated and I don't remember anymore.. huhu.. And I should blame myself for poorly document my work.. in my defence: I was young at that time :P, I’m lazy to write everything and documentation is my weakness.. I think this is a common problem for a developer/engineer/programmer/researcher like me… right??? huhu.. lesson learned! (p/s: I did documented it.. but it was not organize and I can't understand some (many) of my small note means... and why I wrote the thing I wrote... *cry*)

As I said to my colleagues.. they should be glad that I still remember their names.. :-P


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