Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ni kes Bosan ek...

Hari ni.. selain bangun untuk makan... aku lepak atas katil ja... Aku patutnya dah mula study for Research projek tapi.. as I said.. takde keje cari keje pastu malas.. Memang nak kena pukul ni!!! One of the reason aku rasa aku buat good decision start research is, Barca stop play for 2 weeks. (xmas and new year holiday).. So, I believed I'll be bored to the point that I'll die! Hahaha...

Pukul 7.00 pm

Sailo(Andrew - sailo mean adik), Gigy and another friend pick up aku.. We all ada cristmas dinner - Nanti aku buh gambar ok.. We all lepak umah Patrick sampai kul 12 am.. Makan kejap je.. duk habiskan masa main video game.. Patrick ada Wii.. Best gila.. My fav- Tennis, Bowling and Golf.. Aku rasa Wii lagi interactive dari PS2.. Main tennis sampai berpeluh2.. Huhhh.. Serious best!

Esok - Kul 4 am

Gigi and me akan ke St Louis.. We nak hantar Sailo gi Airport.. Dia terbang ke China esok.. Balik holiday.. Bestnye.. The good thing is.. Sailo bagi kete dia kat Gigy.. So, pasni kami ada kete nak jalan2.. Yay!!!

Sekian report kali ni.. (See.. when I start blogging.. I just can't stop.. hiksss)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree your idea ! very nice blog