Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's New???

1. Well, walaupun ni bukan really a new news.. Tapi weather kat sini going crazeyyyy... Semalam, aku rasa adalah yang paling sejuk pernah aku rasakan dalam hidup ni.. Well setakat ni la.. Suhu -17 Celcius.. Wooooo... Sejuk gila.. Semalam, aku gi makan umah kawan and jalan2 kat mall, so kuar kete je.. LARIIIII!!! Sejuk nak mampus.... ketaq gigi2.. grrr.. Masuk kete pun bukan terus warm.. Well kesimpulannya SEJUK GILA!

2. Akhirnya aku tengok gak wayang kat sini.. "Till the day stood still" (kalau tak silap la tajuknya gini) Well, aku tengok sebab iklan macam besh.. Keanu Reave lak tu.. Tapi citer ni... hmm mmg tak best la.. aku bagi C+ Harga tiket wayang kat sini USD6.50 (student price) so sekali sekala tengok ok la kan...

3. Hari ni aku discuss ngan one of my professor pasal research master.. Well, aku kena ada at least satu research.. So, it's time for hunting! Aku dah tanya 3 professor la sebenarnya.. Yang pertama aku tak minat sebabnya more to fizik (but very related to nuclear) tapi aku tak minat la.. Yang kedua, VHDL project.. Yang ni sebenarnya pilihan pertama, tapi prof tu cakap.. he may be not available.. he ask to talk with him again end of next semester.. well, I think it's too long to wait.. So, yang ketiga ni.. Well, my analog prof.. Aku minat la jugak tapi memang sound susah kan.. Well, aku rasa cam ini la pilihan yang tinggal.. before aku go to image processing ke pabala ke.. Well.. the result is....

- Dia accept aku.. YAY! Dan well, actually dia ada cakap beberapa kali pasal doing PhD.. Hmm dan aku beberapa kali cakap.. I can't say anything about that.. I'm not sure..

- Aku tanya dia pasal RA possibality.. Aku cakap walaupun aku ada sponsor, adalah bagus kalau aku dapat duit lebih.. sebab duit sponsor cukup2 ja.. hehehe.. and she said.. YES! YAY!!! Tapi dia kata sekarang masih takde fund.. So, i have to wait.. Aku kata.. takpe, kalau ade fund.. it's good.. kalau takde it's ok too.. But aku mmg harap ada la.. hehehe..

- Dia tanya aku, is I'm up for a new challange? Well, actually dia akan gi California this March.. keje kat sana.. pastu after a year balik sini (Missouri).. But she will be here (back and forth) from California.. Well, actually dia tanya kalau aku nak ikut dia gi cont study kat California.. Again, I said nothing! Dia kata skrg dia tengah tanya if dia boleh bawak student and automatically admitted to the university.. This uni is formerly under Cal-Tech tapi sekarang dah independent (aku tak ingat la nama uni nya) tapi she said very good uni.. Aku macam a little bit scared with the idea..

- Well, aku tau tak senang nak dapat this opportunity.. but she repeatedly say that she think that I'm very good (HAHAHA perasan ni).. Well, it's the truth.. she think I'm good.. hehehe.. Aku amik kelas dia this semester.. Tapi aku tak tau la.. Mungkin dia tak betul2 serius.. Yang penting aku akan buat research under dia la.. dan kita tengok how it goes from here.. I like to take things slow..

So, I say.. Let see... Aku beberapa kali cakap kat dia yang my plan so far, is just doing a master.. (phd is not a bad idea though.. hikss) Dan kalau ada income boleh balik tiap2 tahun.. kan mak kan.. Hehehe..


kay karim said...

"the day the earth stood still"

CurieDesigner said...

Thanks kay.. Hahaha... I malas nak cari tajuk yang betul.. anyway, nice to meet you in this maya world..

kay karim said...

kak mas mesti tak ingt sy kan???
sedey nye....
kecik hati...
hint: we watched X-Files together kat GSC alamanda!!!

Anonymous said...

oit mas!!! tu kay la bdk rmh aku tuh!!

then thanks god aku tak tgk keanu reves tu dgn ko hahhaha sbb kalu tak, mst satu panggung buleh dgn suara ko komplen cita tu tak syok.

btw, i watched it too. kat sitiawan (panggung yg baru tu ganti arasu tu) ahahhahaha

kay karim said...

hahaha...kan dah kn marah ngan kak linda...
btw, arasu tuh dah da bomb skang..
harga tiket tuh sngt mahal ok??
walaupun kat pekan kicik cam tuh..
fyi, tiket rm9.00!!!
ala2 gcs/tgv...

CurieDesigner said...

HAhaha.. Oooo.. Mana la tau.. Kay Karim.. Inform la sikit.. Ramai orang nama kay tau.. Hahaha...

So, u all rasa cite tu best ker?

kay karim said...

for me lah kan...
that movie is biase2 je...
tp keanu reaves kan...
i was xpecting more lah actually...

Anonymous said...

can u leave ur phone number to me???