Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Tot my Laptop DVD Rom Kaput...

Dengarlah kisah benar ini..

Semalam aku try bukak DVD aku (nak sambung tgk my series sebelum tido) Tetiba.. my DVD cannot read the DVD? WHY??? Last week everything is fine! Then, aku pun try bukak CD.. Pun tak boleh maa.. Then, aku pun sangatlah tensi rasa nak balik Malaysia pi marah Sony.. Sebabnya aku check kat website, Sony service certer sangat jauh.. Paling dekat NY (rasanya).. So, I can't live without my laptop ok..

So, hari ni aku google dan berpk how to repare my DVD Rom.. Search2 internet rupa-rupanya Sony and Dell mmg ada banyak masalah ngan dvd rom.. So, I tot.. Oooo.. that's why aa.. So, I'm the unlucky one...

But, I still not give up.. I uninstall and reinstal DVD Rom driver.. tepuk2.. sayang2 my laptop.. Then aaa.. Suddenly, I realize.. Rupa-rupanya ada UBAT STAPLER dalam DVD player aku.. WAAAA!!! I'm so surprise.. Why ada ubat stapler? So CARELESS meh... This ubat stepler aa.. very small and can damage things esp electronic.. So, I remove the ubat stepler (at 1st I tot it was some wire loose in my dvd rom)..

Then.. TADAAAA!!! My dvd rom WORK AGAIN!!! Thank god! I think aaa.. the ubat stepler had block the laser to read dvd.. because it very close to the light emitter (i think la).. Aiyooo.. Last night, I open and close my dvd rom like 10 times... Nasib baik everything good now...

Sekian my story kali ini.. Huh..

1 comment:

CATZ said...

ubat stappler?..o..dawai kokot tuh keww??..ehm....