Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Little Help Indeed...

Well.. aku frustrated semenjak dua-menjak ini bereason ok.. Aku frust sebab aku rasa aku tak buat yg terbaik (well maybe yg termampu) untuk exam last week.. Aku masih ada DSP subject yang examnya minggu depan.. So, my suffering still not end.. Well, maybe no end until graduate..
Anyway, di sebakan aku stuck tak lepas2 utk subject analog.. Aku buat keputusan untuk consult lecturer je la.. And now, i see a little light.. By the way, apa yang interesting ialah.. let read my conversation with her..
Me: "I don't understand why it's like this?" sambil tunjuk calculation yang beribu2 lemon
She: "Well, you have to consider everything.. bla bla bla.."
Me: *sigh* "I'm not good at this.. I can't see the circuit in all direction, my mind is not built for this"..."Well, I don't mean that, I mean I can see digital better.. but I don't think it's only me.. maybe everybody feel the same"
She: "Yes, in analog you have to consider every little thing"
Me: "Ok, I try again.. let see"
Me:"Is this right?"
She: "Yeah you got it, but you also have to consider.. bla bla bla"
Me:"Ok, I think I get it.. I try again"
She:"I don't mean the homework to be so painful"
****notes: this is the 4th homework****
Me: "But it always does" Semua homework dia susah la!!!
... do some more work... isk isk isk..
She:"I have to go now" (she have a meeting)
Me:"Me too (tak sebenarnya).. I'll see you tomorrow"
She:"Ok, see you tomorrow"
Itula.. seperti biasa, aku buat perangai.. huhuhu.. mengadu...
Anyway, I feel better now..

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