Monday, April 27, 2009

Semangat Yang Hilang...

"I am so tired"

"I wish all is end soon"

"This is tiresome"

"I don't care anymore"

"Why I'm doing this?"

"I love doing nothing"

"I'm just not up to this"

"Nothing is interesting"

"Oh... So very very tired"

"Why should I care?"

"My brain is saturated"

"Ok.. whatever.. just finish this whatever thing"

Ok... Ini adalah ayat2 yang sering keluar dari mulut aku sekarang.... And my friend just tegur.. "Saira! how many time you wanna said that you are tired?" Sebab.. memang aku letih...

1. Aku selalu tak leh tido malam
2. Malas aku berganda2 kuasa sejuta
3. I'm just so tired.. huhhhh... tired! tired! tired!


p/s: Don't worry.. I'm still ok..


PurPlè said...

heheee... sabar

CATZ said...

sabar..i know u can fight..
u are strong....chaiyok2!