Monday, May 25, 2009

I Heart New York! ;-)

Day 2 now... ;-)

Day 1 destination:

1) Arrived
2) Central Park
3) Times Square


1) China Town
2) Little Italy
3) Brooklyn Bridge
4) Madison Square Park
5) Madison Square Garden


1) Statue of Liberty
2) Ellis Island
3) WTC
4) Rockefeller Center
5) Times Square --- again

Here some pics guys...

So many places in New York.. Great City.. So crowded but easy to move... I like New York.. :D but so expensive as well la..


kay karim said...

so jealous...
have fun anyways...

PurPlè said...

aku baru abis baca novel... cite base kt NY. well, it's bz but i think once u live in NY, u dont want to move out. good ko dah sampai kota metropolitan yg penah diserang raksaksa, zombie...

CATZ said...

wah..bestyaaa.merata dah ko jalan..
mak je stuck kat sini..sobsss..sobsss.
good lah....peluang seumur hidup..
usah disia-siakan.waiting for more updates..