Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oh.. Summer Break.. Ohhhh... huhuhu

Aku baru je lepas jumpa my advisor.. We talk about my research project..

You know what? I got LOTS OF HOMEWORK DURING SUMMER!!!! WAAAAA!!!!!!

PENGSAN!!! WAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Kemudian.. terpancullah soklan cepu emas dari bibir professor ku...

"Is it interesting?"
Me: *smile* *angguk* *smile again*

"What do you think? Is it do-able?"
Me: *smile* *angguk* *smile* "I have to read the book for sure" *smile again*

My Homework is:

1) Read 2 texts book about ~~~~ electromagnetic fields and beams accelerator (Waa! Aku nak pengsan!!! *erk.. die*)

2) Read the handout about our cyclotron machine properties and understand it!~~~~ erk... :o

3) Design electromagnetic beam to "guide" proton acceleration ~~~~ aku masih 50-50 paham..

Kesimpulannya.. What the heck I put myself into? I'm dying... WAAAAA!!!!!

Oh... My summer break.. The beach! The beach! Here I come!!!

1 comment:

purp said...

it's ok... u can do it... kt tepi pantai baca buku :-D.