Thursday, February 19, 2009

Etiquette Dinner

Hari ni.. Me and my pren gi Etiquette Dinner.. Kitorang belajar camne makan secara profesional.. Sebab suatu hari nanti, Saira akan jadi datin or Datuk kan.. "Datuk Saira" hmm sound good..

So, we pay $10.00 for the food.. and meeting new people... Not bad.. Hmm the only catch is.. We have to wear "casual business".. I don't think I have the right dress.. Anyway.. the food is marvelous!!! We eat course by course... sambil diorang ajar.. how to eat properly..

Cerita-ceriti with pichas la kan...



PurPlè said...

nice pics... tp share lah tips sekali!

Saira said...

tips.. hehehe.. it's easy to show than to write.. :p

CATZ said...

share lah tip//aku sokong purple..
bleh lah aja aku..sellau aku bantai lintang pukang je..and dlm hati ckp..lantak le org nak tgk aku guna sudu tak betul ke apa..janji food aku masuk ke mulot..
share the tips plisss