Thursday, January 13, 2011

Monday till Wednesday...

Apakah misteri tajuk blog aku ni???
Actually aku nak story morry xtvt aku dari Isnin sampaila Rabu..
Malam hari Isnin lepas, aku dijemput oleh catz utk tengok wayang free kat KLCC.. cerita "Faster" yang dibintangi oleh The Rock! Tayangan preview percuma ni dianjurkan oleh mangga ad (Advertising Network) yang selalu blogger2 letak kat blog diorang... Aku tak berkecimbung di dunia meletak ad kat blog sebab aku rasa trafic aku mmg low la.. yang tau kewujudan blog aku ni pun kekawan rapat je or sesiapa yang terjumpa secara tak sengaja.. Sebab bagi aku blog ni personal.. So, only my close friends or fated people je leh baca.. hehehe.. (sungguh tak business minded)  

Back to story...
Catz bagitau aku.. tujuan mangga ad kasi blogger2 ni tgk wayang percuma adalah supaya mereka boleh ulas/promo citer ni kat blog diorang... Ni poster citer ni..

Sebanarnya aku ni malas nak ulas2 cerita ni... Aku buat kesimpulan je la ek... Citer ni kalau you all tengok takkan mengantuk la.. Fast pace and interesting.. A bit ridiculous (enough to make you laugh)... Dari segi story line, aku rasa nothing special, quite straight fwd... A bit predictable (I can even predict the next line of their script, can you imagine that?) Overall aku bagi citer ni *** stars... Without The Rock, citer ni deserved 2.5 star je kot.. Ni bagi aku la... Tapi aku tak nafikan yang it was enjoyable... So, kalau2 rasa nak tengok The Rock beraksi... boleh la tgk citer ni...

Ni pulak some of my pichas that night... Aku sebenarnya dah lama bercita2 nak pakai skirt.. Lately I'm very interested in shawl and skirt outfit... So, this is my attempt wearing a very ladylike outfit..

Gaya ayu no. 1 hehehe...

 Ni pulak gaya "peace"... konon2 cute.. hehehe

Gaya ayu no. 2... konon2 ada props

Last but not least.. self taken picture of catz and me... Thanks catz for the invitation!

On Tuesday, I already promised Abby to go swimming... This is the first swimming xtvt since I came back from US... You know... I didn't forget how to swim.. hehehe.. Maybe disebabkan paras air swimming pool kat mizzou tu 8 kaki.. Made me lost all the confidence.. Anyway, I can swim but no stamina and my technique is out... Note to myself: "I need to take swimming class!" I love swimming, terasa all my muscle exercise... ;-)
After swimming we plan to jog at stadium track, BBB (EWAH!) Tapi somehow, we took a wrong turn and sesat ke Cyberjaya... Suddenly I teringat my friends mention that restaurant arab Saba' kat Cyberjaya sedap... ^_^ Xtvt jogging bertukar menjadi xtvt makan nasi arab.. We went there with sport attire... konon2 baru balik dari gym... hehehe...

After yesterday swimming session, I rasa I can improve my skill and stamina by practice frequently... So, I went swimming again! hehehe.. Different place la pulak, saje nak cuba2... Boleh tak kitorang sesat.. Pastu sampai2 je hujan rintik2.. huwaaa!!! But we went in anyway.. hujan sikit2 not gonna harm us.. Then, suddenly, I realized that I forgot one peace of my swimming suit.. I swam anyway... just my attire is incomplete! but who care?  hehe... :-D

That's all folks...

I end my post today with my another new style of wearing scaft... Ramai je org kat Mesia ni pakai cam gini tapi aku before this aku rasa muka aku yang bulat ni macam tak sesuai.. Now aku rasa ok kot?
Again with peace sign! Purp said it was too cliche :P



catz said...

keji je aku rasa lah sebab bila diri or duduk or letak muka sebelah muka ko, aku nampak sangat tembam tebombom dan gemuk!.cihhhhhhhhh.
need to gigih lagi nih..

u look so kurusssss lah. mak jeles tahap ultra ungu level 9.

jom squash petang nih!


Saira said...

I dah promise my sister nak pg jusco cheras selatan today... today cannot la.. esok ok?