Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's in my mind...

I told you guys before that I played squash with catz on Tuesday.. Serious best! I like it! a lot! :-D For a beginner like me, I think I'm doing well... hehehe... I thought I wanna talk a whole length about squash rules here yesterday but unfortunately I had meetings for the whole day... So, now I'm lazy to do that.. hehe... me always do blogging on impulse... :p

Now I'm gonna talk about what's been in my mind at this moment:

1st... about muka kerek or memang kerek? 
Since end of last year, we are having a series of meetings with "A" division regarding their new big project. The reason we are invited is because we have more experience since most of people from "A" division is new and they also needed an objective view from others (which is us) regarding this project. As for us, we have no problem... They "talked" about this project ever since 2 or 3 years ago.. just now is the time when they really act on it.. OK.. done with the background.. I know this is a multimillion project.. bla bla bla ya-da ya-da... it's important! it's important! I know... BUT this one gal... She has this face.. KEREK! The face saying "Oh.. my job is so important, hence.. I am so important.. I don't care what happen around me.." She don't even half look at us... never say hi or smile.. never even try to have a small chat with us during refreshment..  Come-on! How many meetings we had together? And part of your colleague was actually belong to our division previously.. And we had known about your so important project long before you even work here! And pleeesseee... you are just a small fry  there..  This new people really makes us wonder..  We had been wondering about this gal for some times already... Is she only looked "kerek" or she really is? Because honestly.. there is no reason for her to be "kerek" with us... Or.. is that just her personality? So malang la.. for her...

2nd... Knowledge or money?
Again about new people... I mentioned previously about my new colleague.. fyi, they are all from  the same batch/intake... So, diorang ni suppose to be 1st class student or at least 3.5 CGPA and above; or oversea graduated.. This is what I heard la... So, Here the conversation that surprise me the most.. Our boss emailed us to plan our own training course for year 2011.. 
He : "Do we really need to apply for training program and what's the benefit of these training?"
So, I answered honestly la..
Me: "To gain more knowledge and skills to help us do our work... "
Then dia boleh pulak tanya..
He : "When we go to training, can we get a lot of money when we claim"
me is like.. "WUT???" Then purp jawabkan.. 
purp: Well, actually for training dlm negeri.. we will not get a lot of money... usually, just balance out our spent jer.. And if the training provide everything, we normally cannot claim anything pun...
So, he conclude..
He: "Oh.. I don't think I need any training la..."
Then aku pun mencelah la.
Me: "But you get ilmu la.. That's important per" 
Dan dengan selambanya dia jawab..
He: "For me, money is more important!"
Me and purp.... SPEECHLESS! WTH???

ok.. done office talk..

back to work!

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