Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I'm sad.. so sad.. so frustrated.. Ntah la.. I hate English Language! I'm bad at it! HATE IT! HATE IT! HATE IT! I just got the GRE result! It's bad..

I feel like I want to go swimming tonight coz swimming always makes me feel better but I'm so tired at the moment! My muscle still tired from yesterday swam and my friend is not here, outstation at Melaka.. and I don't have a private swimming pool so, I can't go alone.. I HATE IT!

One more thing! Internet connection is so damn slow! takes hours just to load this stupid page! I HATE IT!

Something to release my tension! I want to buy that Tide bleach! :-)


Anonymous said...

hi Saira..sabo ok....cheers..

Saira said...

It wasn't that bad.. it just I expected more.. my bad.. :(