Friday, July 11, 2008

Visa Interview - My Experience...

Woke up slightly earlier today coz I have to take public transport tu US Embassy in KL. Took Komuter to KL Central and Putra to Ampang Park. Took a taxi and tadaa... I'm at the front gate of US Embassy.. Tapi mek kura2 ni jakun sikit.. Pi tanya drebar teksi tu.. Betul ke ni US Embassy? Hikss.. Pakcik tu pun jawab.. "Amerika kan? Ni la tempat orang amik visa tu.. Tu nampak tak, panjang orang beratur tu.." Hikss...

So, I immediately queue up with the rest of others and meet this cute guy. Hehehe... Aku pun tanpa segan silu beramah mesra la ngan mamat itu.. maklumla..

"Nak gi sambung study ke?" (Aku tanya dgn senyuman paling menawan sekali)
"US kat mane?"
"Kat Texas.." (Dalam banyak2 tempat kat US, mamat ni nak g Texas? Tempat yang panas itew..)
(Akak? Dia panggil aku akak? Adakah aku tak nampak seperti undergrad? Why? Why?)
"Saya gi Missouri..
PhD ke? Dari University ye?
Ha ah.. .. University.. Akak?" (Another University's PhD taker with I believe have no job experience.. Haksss..)
"Ye.. Saya sambung master je.. Dah tua2 ni baru nak sambung belajar" (I end the conversation nicely.. He doesn't look that cute anyway.. He looks totally normal and average..)

After some time.. Sampai la giliran aku.. I have to leave my hand phone, ipod, camera and car keys behind.. I also have to drink (only some) of the water I carried. They afraid that was the fluid bomb or chemical poison or whatever.. I have to drink it to prove, it was indeed.. only a water...

I met this nice lady inside who are going to US for a meeting in Chicago.. I have a words vomit syndrome due to the too long waiting for my turns.. Too much info expose from my side.. Hahaha.. But no worry coz it will never be in the tabloid anywhere.. Haksss.. Furthermore, words vomit is a drug for boringness.. It cured it for some level.. Haksss..

My long waiting come to the end and finally it's my turn for the interview.. (The interview is open where, if you speak loud enough.. The whole room can here you)

"Hello, good morning"
"Good morning.." (Tell you, this guy is cute..)
"Why you want to go to US?"
"To further my study in Master program" (Thank you I can make a proper sentence..)
"What program you'll be taken?"
"Electrical Engineering"
"What is your undergraduate study?"
"Electrical & Electronic Engineering at University Science of Malaysia" (I'm doing good I think.. Hikss)
"You work with the government?"
"Yes.. "
"Tell me about your work and your research"
"Bla bla bla..." (He wrote something about what I'm doing.. whatever...)
"Who will sponsor your study?"
"The Government"
"What type of scholarship?"
"Errr.. Wait let me read... errr.. Scholarship by the government?" (What kind of question is this?)
"What is the name of it?" (Wah.. soklan cepu emas ke ni?)
"Err.. let me read the letter.. hmm.. Err.. Do you want to see my letter of financial affidavit?" (I'm blank.. HELP!)
"You know.. like the younger people.. JPA, MARA etc.."
"Oh.. Yes, JPA.. just like them.. same.. same.. only this is for a Master program" (YOUNGER??? You mean I'm OLD???.. Suddenly, you are just another average Joe)
"Ok.. you are done.. have a nice day and you can collect your visa on Monday after 3p.m"
"Thank you average Joe"

Finito! Yay! Finally.. Walking back to Ampang Park's Putra Station to KL Central.. Have lunch and back to the office.. Lalalala..

Time frame:
Appointment time: 8.50 a.m
Arrived at the gate: 8.35 a.m
Submitted Visa form (Counter): 9.20 a.m
Finger prints taken (The whole 10 fingers): 10.00 a.m
Interview Time: 11.15 a.m


cekkeya said...

waa...saja2 singgah even tak kenal pun...pape pun, congrats n gud lux for the study...

Saira said...

Thanks.. ;-)

Bangla Tambak Johor said...


setelah dia panggil ko "akak", dan dan tuh muka dia jadik buruk..HAHAHAHHAHAHA...kekeke...terhibur mek membaca nya..

Saira said...

mmg he not that cute la.. hikss.. believe me.. hikss..

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this note is not to entertain you but to educate you. First and foremost this note of mine should not be taken in any ill feeling against any individual, culture and or nation. I hope my experience will help millions of people living and working in the US on various non-immigration and immigration categories plan their visit to France and secure visa in time.
If you plan to go to France and you do not hold a US Passport you need to secure a visa. To get a visa you must go to the US Consulate web site to look for instruction to assemble your application. However, when you click on a hyperlink you will get an error message. Somehow you need to figure out what do you need or follow this list- Visa Application Form, Visa fee, Green card, Drivers license, Passport, Two passport photos, Flight-reservation, Itinerary, Hotel bookings, Bank statements, Last 3 months pay stubs, Letter of employment, or invitation letter, Medical insurance and any other document that might help you to establish that you have sufficient means to support yourself during your stay in France. Once you have all papers in place book a visa interview appointment only online (no emails, phone calls or at the counter please) and not before six weeks in advance. However when you go online and try to book it five weeks in advance the slot may not be available so make sure you check every day and several times in a day to get an appointment. Please do not call them first they will not answer you and if by chance you get to receptionist it will be no better than an answering machines. If you have won a lottery in life than you are of course lucky and you might get someone from visa department to answer but please do not put your self-respect on stake- you will be treated like dirt. I’ll advise you to drop the idea of visiting France and go somewhere else. I hope no one has to get a visa in an emergency since there is no way of getting it. Make sure that you do not buy a ticket, pay for hotel booking and any other registration fee etc. before getting a visa stamp in your passport. Last but not least plan in advance and travel to France it is one of those places on earth that you would want to visit any way.