Friday, August 14, 2009

My little gathering....

Since my family kat kampung cakap..

"Mas tak de update gambar baru pun.."

Well.. I'm not taking pictures everyday okey.. hehehe.. Selain dari gambar jalan2 yang seriously, malas gila nak upload skrg.. sbb mesti nak cerita ceriti kan.. pastu nak arrange lagi... malas la plak.. so kena tunggu time rajin la utk tu..

Apapun.. ni la my latest pictures here in Mizzou...

Sekarang sangat panas... I on AC everyday...
Dinner with Andry, Vali and Rilya.. Kami celebrate Vali graduation...
Then.. esoknya.. we have a lunch together...
Buffet at India's House... Not bad...

And as usual... I'll say, I will eat anywhere as long there is vegetarian food guys... (or seafood) Then my friends will ask.. "Really Mas? You are vegetarian?.." Then as usual.. I will answer.. "Well, kind of..." Then.. for $#@%&^$@#@ millions time!!!! Why I have to explain it every time??? grrrrrr... see my face always smiling when explaining things.. I kind of have a script already.... Just forget to record it! :p

note: I'm really gaining more weight going home for the summer.. huhuhu... To be exact.. it's 9.6 pounds.. huhuhu (*run and hide*)

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