Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ok.. I'm Officially a Student :) -3rd Semester Fall 09

Just met my advisor...
Well.. for some advising...
Walaupun aku mmg takut gila nak jumpa dia sebab honestly speaking.. aku tak baca pun tugasan2 yang di berikan.. Well, kalau introduction chapter boleh di-consider.. kiranya aku baca la jugak.. At least cukup untuk menjadi memainkan watak pelajar tidak 100% blur.. (I'm such a bad student.. huhuhu)
The good thing is.. Everything turn out okey.. We talk more about my plan of study... At first aku ingat nak amik satu subject je then concentrate more on project (Now, we change it to project instead of research - seriously this is a good thing). Tapi memandangkan requirement as International student.. Aku mesti register 9 kredit melainkan aku mmg dah cukup semua coursework... So.. Mau tak mau.. Aku kena la jugak amik 2 subject dan satu project... Mean next semester (Spring 2010).. Aku akan concentrate 100% pada project jer..
Subject semester ini:
1. Advanced Radiation Detection Electronics
2. Digital Signal Processing in Remote Sensing
Subject no. 1 aku pilih sebab memang interesting tapi subject no. 2 aku pilih sebab aku tak tau dah nak pilih subject apa.. Dan subject ni dengarnya lecturer dia agak pemurah dan kurang workload (compare to others la)...
Furthermore, I don't think I can handle too much work load this semester... I'm just so tired of studying now.. Really really tired! Mak!!! nak balik!!! hehehe... Thinking back my previous 2 semester... I don't think I can do it again.. keeping the momentum like that.. It just crazy.. and for now.. I don't think I can do it again... We'll see what happen later...
As for now.. babai.. :)

1 comment:

CATZ said...

good luck..
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa di perantauan ya..