Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pasar Malam Delight!

I have planned to go to pasar malam since last month.. Don't know why, there is always obstacle that prevent me from doing so.. So, today I got my chance. Around 6pm I start my car and drive to pasar malam with two mission. One, is to buy lots and lots of DVD (hehehe) and two, is to but some spicy food. After eating cake, i just feel that I need something spicy really bad. Suddenly I realize, I have no cash.. so first have to go to Bank.

Then, I arrived at pasar malam.. urghh Hectic! and suddenly i felt it! Hujan renyai2.. Alamak! Ok2.. find your target first. DVD.. They already want to close because of the hujan.. Ok2 hurry up! In this kelam kabut I pick 8 DVDs.. Hehehehe.. I pick some movie that I already watch at cinema but want to have which is: 1. Transfomers. 2. Die Hard 4.0 3. Cloverfield.. Then new movies that I have no time to go to watch at cinema which is 4. National Treasure - Book of Secret 5. Alvin and the Chipmunks 6. Rendition 7. Hitman 8. Enchanted... Hahahaha..

Just after I bought all these DVDs.. The rain comes. Hard rain. It's wet but somehow I manage to buy lots of food.. and one beautiful scarf.. I just love shoppings.. hehehe. Then.. go back to my car and drive home.. Eat the foods (sorry no picture, already finished! hehehe) and now, it's time to watch movie. Hahaha..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amboi..borong VCD ....fuh..boronggg!!