Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Well, I sleep like a baby last night.. I think I had covered all the sleep that I had miss on Sunday. I woke up fresh and happy.. Hahaha.. Since yesterday Monday is not blues at all.. Oh, I'm a busy person at the moment, so many things to do.. and no time at all to update my blog (unless for my mama we all go to hell.. hehehe..)

Anyway, yesterday I eat at Rasamas (Formerly known as Rasa Gourmet and Rasa Ayamas) for a million times (ok, I'm exaggerate) but I do eat there a lot. It's my favorite place for lunch and my favorite dishes is chicken porridge with black paper chicken..

This is my favorite.. hehehe.. I can eat this everyday...

When I eat my chicken porridge, I always ask for their sos.. but this time, I had been told that it's no longger free! I had to pay RM0.80 (included tax = RM0.88) well it not much but it used to be free!!! Marah la ni.. anyway, we have no choice right? So, I pay je la. I had a Mango juice as a beverage because Ice Lemon Tea here is the worst taste of all..

My head jammed at the moment (that's why I'm blogging now.. hehehe) Urghhh, I need to read a contract to approve or whatever la.. I hate reading something as droll as that but it's part of my job. I wish I just have to do all the technical job only.. Can't they give me some peace?

On the other note, I stop by at catzs's office this morning to have a breakfast.. So catzs.. I hope you enjoy my donut.. It's special reserved for you.. Hehehe..


Anonymous said...

yerp...i really enjoy the Jco donut..thanks my dear..muaahhhhsss..

Saira said...

anytime.. :)