Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sorry Catz, I had been Cook'ified.. Hehehe..

I know I promise to blog about our outing and our next 'big' things but right now I had been cook'ified.. Hehehe.. I'm busy with the cookey things and I also busy making these icons.. Hehehe.. As you guys don't know, I'm also a livejournal user and this icon thingy is famous there.. coz we used it! Here I show you guys.. Some of the icons that I made (I know blogger user don't care about this) but I enjoy making them..

The example of the big one (The making process):

Some icons I made:
David Cook's icons
Ni korek balik some of Messi's icons.. hehehe..

Aku harus insaf ni.. hehehe.. kelihatan seperti sungguh meroyan sekali.. HAHAHA..


Bangla Tambak Johor said...

yarobbii...tak habis lagi fever..meroyan nyaaaa ..hahahahh!

CATZ said...

memang meroyan nak mamposs...tak surut-surut lagik rupanya...hadoii..
cute2 jugaklah icon iteww...

suka lah tuuuu..

Saira said...

Hehehe.. Besh ape buat icon ni.. perlukan creativity tau.. Hahaha..

Saira said...

Catz.. I know mmg cute.. hehehe. That's why la boleh addicted tau buat bende alah ni. Ala2 syiok sendiri.. hehehe..