Monday, March 30, 2009

Because I'm Up to No Good.. (wrong idiom!)


First day after Spring break.. Class at 8 am. I ask myself? Why I took an 8am class???? Arghhh!!! So tired and lazy.. Then aku rasa aku sesema.. makan tak sempat.. so aku dah bungkus biskut and pisang for my breakfast here.. Pastu aku terkocoh2 amik medicine bag...

Now, I'm at library.. still trying to start my day after class..... Ok, the real reason is aku ada project group meeting petang ni and basically............................ I do nothing! .................................................................................... yet.

So now I want to do something la. Check2 beg aku.. rupa-rupanya ubat sesema takde dalam beg.. baru aku teringat aku kuarkan time gi Chicago ari tu.. Waaaaaaaa!!! Aku malas balik umah.. So, now I'm at library stress with running nose.. I got to do "things" for the project first.. going home mean.. sleeping.. since this is the thing yang sedang berlegar2 dalam otak aku sekarang.. nak tido!!!!!

Keep on fighting! Yes... I'm trying but my heart is just just just........... (fading echo sound)

I want coziness.. I want comfortness.. I want my home..


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