Wednesday, May 28, 2008

7 weird/random facts about me

This is the first time I've been tag by Mimi.. So this is my answer

1. Crazy Obsession
Thank you to all my friends who can stand my crazy obsession.. I obsess in lots of things sometime I think I need a therapy and sometimes I think it was a therapy.. When I'm obsess.. Time and money is nothing.. Namely some: Barca, Josh, Harry Potter and the recent David Cook (There is lots more actually)

2. I Love Doing Nothing
Being a rag is one of my fav.. If I don't insaf.. I'm afraid I'm gonna be a rag in the next life.. Being a rag also contribute to the 'antisocial' thing.. Staring into nothingness can be interesting you know.. Try it! Hehehe.. You'll see something believe me..

3. I Hate Window Shopping
I like shopping but I hate window shopping.. So mengantuk and waste of time maa..

4. I Love Watching Movie
I love movies, series and tv show.. I can spend the whole day watching TV

5. I Don't Know How to Appreciate Scenery
When I go to the beach.. Well, I felt nothing.. When I see flower.. well.. OK.. And I have absolutely no idea how sunset can make you 'feel' something.. But I love painting esp by Vincent Van Gogh - 'The stary night' People can say it mean this and that but it still feel personal for me..

6. I Love Babies
I love babies.. I want babies.. But I'm single so.. long way for that but I love babies.. And I think babies love me too.. hehehe..

7. I Hardly Interested On Other People Business
I usually have no feeling whatsoever with everything around me unless there is a direct impact to me.. So.. I don't really do blog hopping, I only read my friends blog.. I don't really read any forum unless it about Barca, Messi, Josh or David Cook.. I'm basically don't care.. So, eventhough you buy a real diamond.. well, I don't feel anything.. That's why I think Eva can friend me.. I don't feel anything everytime she showed me her brand new FENDI or CD or whatever.. I'm just.. oh OK.. It's nice..

I would like to tag:

1. Noreh Jones
2. Catz (eventhough Mimi already tag.. hihihi)
3. Purp (eventhough Mimi already tag.. hihihi)


CATZ said...

ehm..hok no 6 tuh kenalah cari abah baby nya dulu..hihihiihih...go saira go!

Saira said...

hmm.. that is not the only way to get the baby you know..