Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another Karaoke Hang Out...

Oh.. So cute.. :p

Ok la.. Sekarang tengah nengok American Idol.. Like I said before. DAVID COOK RULED!!! Go Go David Cook!!! He is the best! He he he... Next week final.. I predict David vs David.. and Hopefully the Cookers Win! Yeah! Hehehe.. (I think this is the reason la why I love to cook lately.. Hahaha)

Anyway.. sebelum aku demam2 tu - In April 2008 la.. (which skrg tinggal sisa2 demam sebab bila malam badan aku akan panas sikit).. Aku kuar ngan Abby tengok Forbidden Kingdoms and then her friends call to join us.. So, a short hang out jadi a lil bit long.. And well.. Extended activity that day was Karaoke at Alamanda..

Since we talk about Idol here kan.. So.. Kalau korang teringin nak practice your tone.. Here.. one of the OK place to test your bakat la.. Nama karaoke ni i tak ingat la.. something about star? Cam gitu la.. It has no buffet like Red Box tapi price dia ok la.. A lot cheaper, only RM25.00 for 1 hour.. Lagu pun banyak tapi sound system dia tak la hebat sangat.. Kira kalau tahap2 amatur tu boleh diterima la.. hik hik hik

Some pictures of Abby and friends.. Me? Camera shy la.. Hahaha..

Smile to the cam.. Say cheese..
Over gitu..
This one is too cute.. Hehehe..

We had a good time...


CATZ said...

ni meronggeng merambu lepas antar agar-agar puding ke rumah aku tu ke??

Saira said...

Mana ada la catz.. Ni b4 demam hari tu la.. kan i tulis bulan 4 hari tu la kak oi! Pastu i demam tak sempat tulih..