Friday, May 16, 2008

The GREAT News...

Inilah takdir ketentuan Ilahi.. AKu bersyukur yang amat2.. Macam it was mean to be je.. Tadi aku di ajak oleh my new cute manager untuk pegi tengok projek di lab ***. Aku yang ala2 nak tinggalkan Mesia ni mestilah tak berapa minat kan tapi kami dimaklumkan we are needed there just as a consultant.. So aku pergi la.. So, sampai2 sana we met this expert.. Mula2nya aku just concentrate on the problem (projek tu la).. We are getting serious.... Then.. My new cute manager warning us.. Hik hik hik.. "Jangan serius sangat.. we are only consulting them.." Wow.. very the protective.. Takut dia kalau kitorang bawak balik projek ni (I'm so touched..)

Anyway.. waktu minum2 tu (after we conclude the problem :D) Kitorang borak2 la ngan expert tu.. He is from US! (Now I'm very interested) and he work at Washinton University in St. Louis.. Nak tau St. Louis tu kat ne? Kat Missouri la.. Hahaha.. The place that I'm gonna go! He is Iraqian (asal usul la tapi dah jd warga US).. Wow.. very the great news.. Then, more great news.. dia ada project usahasama ngan Uni aku.. University of Missouri-Columbia.. A BIG Project.. 3MilUSD budget punye project.. Wow... Then anak dia pun akan masuk Mizzou gak next year.. So, he seems very interested la nak kenalkan his daughter kat aku.. hihihi... Dia siap mention lagi kalau aku good, aku leh buat summer project ngan dia kat Uni dia and he gonna pay me.. Wow.. Coz he need interns la.. I'm very the happy you know..

Now I have his home number.. his cell number.. his e-mail address and he already jemput me to his home.. Wow.. I feel safe and happy now.. He also said he can help me settle down.. he said he know a lot of people there (well, since he live there kan).. He know a Muslim community and a good Muslim family (who can take care of me?).. I'm really really grateful to Allah.. Inilah doa aku.. Semoga aku jumpa orang yang boleh guide/tolong aku or take care of me while I'm there.. Now, abah will not have to worry too much la.. Inilah hikmahnya kalau ikut nasihat ibu bapa.. Kalau ikutkan aku, aku memang pilih Uni of Pittsburgh.. Thank God aku pilih Mizzou..

Kalau aku bernasib baik.. Aku akan sambung PhD kat sana.. Wow.. (Ini cita2 je.. hehehe.. dah carried away la ni..) Anyway.. Sememangnya takdir aku.. It was mean to be for me to go to that lab and met him.. Our path cross at Malaysia..


Bangla Tambak Johor said...

kadang2x timbul rasa ragu-ragu dalam memilih sesuatuss,tapi nampak gayanya..betullah tuh pilihangnya sebab itu tuhan permudahkan jalan awaaakk...

anywayssss..saya n catzs nak crashh lah rumah awak kat sana nantik.hik.

Saira said...

Datangla.. I'm very welcome you guys.. hehehe.. sblm dtg tu kasi tau dulu tau coz i'm gonna pesan2 things a lot.. Hahaha